Monday, March 16, 2015

APHEDA visits Laos Womens Union - Luang Prabang

who took tamagotchi?

small shop in village

Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang

small shop in village outside Luang Prabang

garments class


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Women’s Development Centres in 6 provinces in Cambodia - heres what APHEDA supports in Vocational Education and Training.

APHEDA Cambodia offers courses in Hair&Beauty, Garments&Handicrafts, traditional Weaving, Food Processing, Fisheries and Organic Fruit&Vegetable Growing; in the Women’s Development Centres in 6 provinces in Cambodia.

who took tamagotchi?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Favourite Quote: Sebastian Marot Founder / Friends International.

When I first started listening to street youth in the early 1990's, they said they wanted education, "he thought education meant classrooms, teachers, school BUT he now knows it means learning skills that will lead to making an income....."

who took tamagotchi?

APHEDA - training rural poor women in trade skills and business.

We know that supporting groups to work around areas of vocational skills and business leads to food security, further education, health and literacy. At a fundamental level, it makes a difference. 

In the remote communities of significant disadvantage to which we at APHEDA travel, we know when given the opportunities, women can transform lives and communities.

APHEDA's trainee graduates feel pride; they are empowered by having skills gained through the ‘second chance’ educational opportunities the Women’s Development Centres have provided through the APHEDA program; they can use their skills to earn an income. 

The trainees are generally from subsistence rice-farming families, and they believe that by having their own business and income they are transforming lives within the family home and community.

who took tamagotchi?